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Farm & Garden Workshops in Sarasota
Beaucoop Farm Text: 941-479-2328 Beaucoop Farm started from a little boy's journey with his chicks. It all started...

Local Organic Wheatgrass for Sale
Jonas Stankus grows amazing wheatgrass in Sarasota. Contact him at: 941-228-0246

Transition Sarasota
A network of individuals and groups building more sustainable, just, and conscious community from the bottom up. Imagine living in a...

Slow Food Sarasota
Meet other locals who are interested in a food system that is based upon environmental sustainability and social justice - a food system...

Lynn Steward - Farm Owner, Foreman
Mr. Citrus Organic and Vegetables Arcadia, FL email:

Murray Bass - One farmer's story
Wyndham Organics: Grove Location: Homestead, Florida, just south of Miami Uncle Matt’s Grower Since: 2009 Crops: 8 Different varieties of...

Florida Organic Growers
We educate producers, consumers, media, institutions and governments about the benefits of organic and sustainable agriculture,...

Quality Certification Services (QCS)
Quality Certification Services (QCS) offers accredited certification for farming, wildcrafting, livestock, and processing. Their mission...

Organics / Biodynamics Links
Agrarian Communities & Their History Biodynamic Farming Biodynamic Association Farm Land Trusts & Urban Farms
Community Resources: Blog2
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